Volvo XC90
» Holy Hoons! 79-year-old Broughton Bishop responsible for “Portland Icy car crash”
I’m sure that most of you remember the Icy Car Crash video that we posted a few days ago featuring a series of pinball-car-crashes in Portland. Undoubtedly, the most entertaining hoon of all was the person in the first SUV, as he made a home run on every car, or poll he found. According to Oregonlive, the West Hills Volvo XC90 driver who pinballed seven cars is a 79-year-old named Broughton Bishop. Luckily, Broughton managed to come out of the car bearing only a few scratches. But hey, what's a few scratches and a hurt ego compared to all that publicity he's receiving! Via: Jalopnik & Oregonlive
Technorati: Car+Accidents, Portland, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007
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